Hands care

Beautiful, well-kept and soft hands are important for everyone. Hands tell you a number of things about yourself. Hands tell how a person leads his life and how he takes care of his body and skin. Hands are considered as the main determined of telling the one’s age. If hands are not cared properly appearance of wrinkles tells others about the person. Dressing up in fancy clothes is of no use if you do not take care of your hands and feet. Hands also speak as we speak. They speak when in communicating with others we use our hands to express, emphasize a point etc. Hands play an important role in communication. Hands are the integral part of the life and it is a part of the body that is being used most. Hands require good care and equal right as other part of the body need.

I also share lots of home remedies on my Instagram post and on my Pinterest account. 

Follow some tips to take good care of your hand.

1 Moisturize your hand

Use a good quality moisturizer and make a habit to at least moisturize your hand thrice a day specially after washing hands or water work (moping, washing and gardening). Before going to bed, lavish your hands with Vaseline and wear a cotton gloves will make your hands incredibly soft by morning.

Little tip: either put small lotion bottles on your washing area or transfer the large bottle into small traveling bottles and distribute it all over the potential spots. I have put the small bottle near the my kitchen sink so once I am done from washing I can moisturize my hand instantly.

2 Get manicure

I know most people want and desire to have manicure once a month but thanks to this daily life this is something unachievable. However, at least taking a manicure once a month definitely makes the difference on hands.

Little tip: I have bought bath and beyond mani + cure and this products works wonder. It gives you instant exfoliation and improves the texture of hands.

3 Clean nails with nail brush

Keep a small nail brush and clean the nails daily. On daily basis nails accumulate lots of dirt which makes our hands look dirty. Cleaning the nails on daily basis keeps hands look neat and clean.

4 Exfoliate hands

Exfoliation is the key to have beautiful hands. Exfoliate the hands with gentle scrub once in a week and gets super soft hands. If you don’t have budget to buy expensive scrubs or you are the organic person here is tip for you. Take some sugar one tablespoon and mix some oil (coconut, olive etc) and massage the hand with this mixture. Sugar and oil mixture is extremely good for exfoliation.

5 Wear gloves

Make a habit to wear gloves. Wear them while gardening, cleaning, painting and washing so your hands aren’t exposed to cleaning products, dirt and paint.

6 Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen also meant to wear on hands also. Most people forget to apply sunscreen on hands which is most expose area on sun. Use good quality sunscreen when going outside will reduce the sun spots on your hands and make them looking young.

In the end for bonus I have some homemade lotion for hands. Rosewater Hand liquid will make hand soft and wrinkle free. You’ll need: 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 5 drops rose water. Mix together and keep in a small bottle. Apply on your hands for overnight. I have also uploaded DIY handmade wrinkle cream for hands on my YouTube channel.


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