Hair products

Hair is the most precious gift of God. In fairy tales, a princess always has very long thick untangled hair which inspires the man of her heart. Do you ever wonder what hair product they use? Obviously not because we all know it’s a tale not reality but we do need hair products for our hair to make them strong and thick. We spend most of time wondering what is going wrong with our hair when faced with the problem of dry, damaged and tangled hair. There is a hair care regime that involves hair products. These hair products are essential for our daily hair care routine.

1 Hair comb
Yes the most important hair product is your comb either are you using right kind of combs for your hair. Your comb should be wide and its bristle should be made of from synthetic plastic. The cleaning of hair comb is also necessary.

You can find more helpful remedies on my Instagram account and Pinterest

2 Shampoo
One should choose the shampoo which suits to your hair type. Its not necessary if something suits on your friend's hair will suit you too. So before buying any shampoo always sees the hair type for it is made. Another thing never buys shampoo plus conditioner or two in one type, they really not work.If you color your hair then you should go with the product which is for colored hair. It will protect your hair color.

3 Conditioner
After shampoo conditioner is the most important step in your hair care regime and it must include in your hair products list. It cleans the residue of shampoo form hair and improves the texture.

4Hair spray
Hair spray is the most essential item in your hair products list. It will keep you hair settle for hours and also protect it from sunlight.

5 Heat protecting sprays
We all do styling and heat can damage our hair and make them frizzy. So another item that should include in your hair products list is a good heat protecting spray.

That is the very short list of some basic hair product that one should have but definitely, there are other hair products too. Besides this basic hair product you should check my blog on Hair mask in which I have given some natural tips to improve your hair.
I have also uploaded one hair mask on my youtube channel. Watch and subscribe to my channel for more useful remedies.


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