Homemade Hair mask

Many people assume that to do hair care is an expensive business. No doubt it is if all the products bought from the store. They will cost you not only money but if go wrong can damage hair. Chemically treated hair masks used for the purpose can damage your skin. However, it becomes cheap and safe when using a homemade hair mask. Why spend your precious money on buying artificially made hair mask, if you have a chance to make your hair mask which will make your hair shine without spending money with the ingredients available in your kitchen. These simple homemade hair masks will make your hair shiny thicker and silky soft.

You can find more helpful remedies on my Instagram account and Pinterest

Some of the masks are my absolute favorite. Time to time I switch from one hair mask to another depending on the weather and my current hair condition. I am fond of hair coloring and styling, so these hair masks are my savior. 

Yogurt hair mask
Half cup yogurt
One whole egg
Pinch of turmeric powder

Beat yogurt and add whole egg in it. Add a pinch of turmeric powder and mix well. Apply on your hair for half an hour and rinse well. The application of this hair mask twice a week will make your hair soft and removes dandruff in your hair.

Olive oil and Egg hair mask

One whole egg
Two tablespoons of olive oil

Take a whole egg in a bowl and add two tablespoons of olive oil in it. Mix well and apply thoroughly on your scalp. Wrap your hair with a hot towel for half-hour and then rinse well.  Apply once in a week. This hair mask is a very good deep conditioner for your hair.

Banana hair mask

One ripped banana or according to the length of your hair
Two tablespoons of castor oil


Mash a banana in a bowl and add castor oil in it. Mix well and apply thoroughly on your scalp. Wrap hair with a hot towel for half-hour. Rinse well. This hair mask is a very good deep conditioner and gives shine to your hair. Apply after every fifteen days.

Fenugreek hair mask

Two tablespoons of fenugreek seed
Water enough to cover the fenugreek seeds


Fenugreek seed soaked in water overnight. Next morning grind fenugreek seeds with the water and apply thoroughly on your hair. Leave for half-hour and rinse well. It will give shine and removes dandruff from your hair. You can also see my other post about the fenugreek hair mask and water for hair growth. 

Why these hair masks works
Egg: Eggs help control and prevent male pattern baldness. However, they are additionally brilliant for hair development. Packed with proteins, minerals, and B-complex nutrients that are basic hair supplements. These supplements, particularly biotin and other B-complex nutrients, help control male pattern baldness by reinforcing the underlying foundations of your hair. Stimulation of hair growth leads to an increase in volume and thicking of hair. The proteins help reinforce your hair while the fats help condition it, improves the texture of hair.

Yogurt: It is a natural conditioner that helps in maintaining the natural texture and adds shine to the hair. Yogurt disposes dandruff in hair and moisturizes hair to keep them freeze free. It reduces the clogging of hair follicles and improves the health of the scalp that reduces the hair fall problem. It also balances the PH of the scalp. Its cooling effect soothes the aggravated scalp.
Turmeric: The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of turmeric reduces dandruff and keeps the scalp healthy.
Olive oil: light in weight; this oil can penetrate in hair. Enriched with monosaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, it promotes hair growth and improves the texture of hair. It's anti-inflammatory properties prevent dandruff and promote scalp health.
Fenugreek seeds: They are rich in folic acid, vitamin A, K, and C. They are also called storehouse off potassium, calcium, and iron. The presence of nicotinic acid makes it great for hair fall and in the prevention of dandruff. Fenugreek also treats various scalp related issues such as hair thinning, baldness and dryness of hair. Lecithin a substance present in fenugreek seeds hydrates and strengthens the hair roots and follicles of hair.
Banana: Enriched with potassium, they are excellent for hair and scalp. They also have an abundance of natural oils, carbohydrates, and vitamins that softens and protect hair elasticity. Banana repairs the hair damage done by sun and control and prevents dandruff. They also prevent split ends and hair breakage.

The quantity used in these hair masks can vary depending on the length of your hair. So try once with the same quantity, and if it feels that hair mask is not covering your hair properly, you can double the quantity of the ingredients used in these hair masks.
Subscribe to my youtube channel for more videos of hair care. 


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