Natural homemade fair complexion masks

To have a fair skin is dream of every girl but the way we are living and eating habits have made it almost impossible to get the desired skin. Pollution, dust, urban lifestyle, sleepless nights and junk foods is the main contributing factor when it comes to skin. There are hundreds of clinics opened every nick and corner with the promise to give you glowing flawless skin but with the price. All these cosmetics procedure and chemicals can give you the skin you want but most of them are expensive and have the side effects.

 Homemade skin care is almost present in every culture and gives you the same results with less money and side effects but with more time. Today I am going to tell you few homemade face masks which will help you to come true your dream to have flawless skin. These masks will give you flawless fair complexion without any side effects. Also I have posted a ten-step Korean skincare routine for perfect skin. 

You can find more helpful remedies on my Instagram account and Pinterest

I will also tell you how these masks are effective and why you should use them. You may be amazed the spices you have in your kitchen they have lot more uses then just using it in food.

1 Gram flour mask

Take half cup of gram flour, add one teaspoon turmeric powder and few drops of lemon. Mix well and save in a jar. Wash your face daily with it.

2 Milk mask

 Take milk and warm it, add few drops of lemon. Massage your face gently with for five minutes and rinse well.

3 Potato and cucumber mask

Cucumber contains cucurbitacin D and 23, 24-dihydro cucurbitacin D that reduces synthesis of melanin and pigmentation. Potatoes contain the enzyme catecholase that lighten the dark spots and melasma.

Take some slices of potato and cucumber; grind it with small amount of chilled water. Apply this mixture on whole body for fifteen minutes for daily. It is also very good for under eye circle.

4 Egg white and honey mask

 Take an egg white, add one teaspoon of honey. Application on your face and neck will give you wrinkle free white beauty. Do twice a week.

5 Egg white and dry milk mask

 Take an egg white, add some dry milk, mix well and leave on your face for ten minutes will give you instant whitening. Apply daily will give lasting fairness.

6 Tomato mask

Tomato contains antioxidants and bundles of vitamin C that promote collagen production and reduce the fine line and wrinkles. The vitamin C in tomato reduces the discoloration of skin.   

Take a tomato and juice it, apply daily on your whole body will remove sun tan and improves your complexion. 

Hope it will help you to get fair complexion 


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