A Review on Body Shop Radiant Highlighter

Hello there! This is the review of body shop radiant highlighter. I bought this product in December 2014 and I still love this product. This is one of the best highlighter or products from the body shop. There are some pros and cones basically more pros from my side then cones. We all know body shop is the brand which is from the UK and it has makeup products, fragrance, hair and nail products. I am giving the link to the website so if anyone wants to see what other products it offers and wants to buy it.

So now comes to the radiant highlighter review from the body shop.

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PACKING: The good thing about this product is it comes in tube which is of 25 ml on quantity. It is too much product and justifies the price you pay for the product. The tube also give you control on how much amount you want to use. 

TEXTURE: The texture is creamy more towards liquid side and is shiner when apply. Its color is light pink but it doesn’t give you any pink blush effect. 

APPLICATION: When applied on foundation, B.B cream or with any stick it blends really well. It never stands out separately and it completely blends with the product.

AMOUNT NEEDED: You don’t need much amount to get a good result. In fact less quantity gives you excellent result and your product lasts longer which is again justify the amount they charge. Two drops are enough for the application because if you try to use more in quantity it will not get blended with the foundation and it will give you cake effect which obviously no one wants.

BEST PRODUCT TO GO WITH: Among the three categories of product a foundation, B.B cream and a stick it actually goes natural with B.B Cream first then with foundation and then with stick. 

In this picture I have applied three of the product and have put the amount I would be needed for the application. This much amount is actually more than enough to give you radiant look.

EFFECT: I am totally in love with this product. It gives you that natural glow which is most desired especially in pictures. If you want to have most natural look like for your mehndi function or else where you want no makeup or minimal make up look this product is must have. With foundation it gives you a bit more with makeup look. I will not recommend this product to use with any sort of stick. I don’t know why but it gives a bit heavy look when used with stick.

CAUTION:  The product is really good for winter season or in summer people with dry or normal skin can use it but those who have oily skin should not use this product because it will add more shine to your face which will give you oily look then a radiant look.

MY RATINGS: despite its cones to use this product in summer or with stick I would give it rating of 5/5. This is the best body shop high lighter.
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