The Guaranteed Method For removing acne

Waking up in the morning and realize that your face is full of acne? Ok, wait even if it’s one simple pimple, won't it feel like your whole face has doomed because you have a friend’s wedding after few days or a big event where you want to look perfect. You start wondering where you will take your face with pimples, and you want to get rid of pimples overnight. 

That's the common issue which every girl who is prone to acne skin or even if she is not concerned faces in her daily life (I mean one of the issues). There are tons of products available in the market for hiding acne, but those stubborn pimples they even show their bumps in heavy makeup as they are playing peek a boo. Even there are tons of chemical-based products available which claims to cure acne, but wait you are not fond of chemicals or simply don’t have enough information to buy the best product from the shelf, or maybe you are running out of the budget because of the shopping you did to get the discount from a sale? We all are familiar with these issues, aren’t we? So what should be the remedies?

But before looking into the remedies to cure acne, we should first talk about the reasons which are responsible for those problems. After all 

                            “Prevention is better than cure.”

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These are inflammations of the skin when the sebaceous glands (oil glands) become infected with bacteria, swell up, and fill with pus.


Excessive secretion: one simple cause of those tiny monsters on your face, neck, or shoulder is the overworking of your oil glands.

Hormonal changes: If you have irregular periods, the chances are that you will have more break out. Even stress hormone plays a role to ignite the fuel of pimples on your skin.

Food: Yes, you have heard correctly the food you eat also affects your skin. Haven’t you listen we are what we eat. The blame goes to spicy foods that have acidic lycopene, which can aggravate acne in some people by disturbing their PH level. Even some people have breakouts if they contain dairy products.

Pore clogging products:  If your product contains mineral oil, which is a super-heavy moisturizing agent, can clog your pore and result in a breakout. Silicones are another one to blame for causing your break out.

Dirty makeup essentials: Dirty makeup brushes are home to bacteria, and in fact, not only brushes but your sponge too plays the role to spread bacterial infection on your skin.

Dirty Pillow: Ok, wait! What did I say dirty pillow? No way! You can swear you have washed your pillowcase and it’s clean superficially. Yea somehow it’s clean superficially, but it’s not clean if you scrutinize it under the microscope. Pillowcases are one of the significant causes of spreading acne in the vulnerable population. 

Work Out: Now, you must be thinking I have gone insane. Several articles who say workouts reduce stress, which indirectly clears your skin, and now I am saying workouts are the cause of your acne. It's not the workout that causes pimples; it’s the sweat that can clog the pores if not taken a shower after workouts.

Excessive touching: Oh no! don’t take me wrong, I am talking about the excessive touching to your face. You move hands over various objects (laptops, staircase, cell phones, doorknobs, etc.), and they are full of bacteria. By constantly touching your face, you are transferring bacteria on your face.

Ok, this is not the exhaustive list. There is number of other causes which may result in acne, but we should leave it for some other day discussion. Once you know the most potential causes we can focus on the Cure part.


There are plenty of homemade recipes available for removing acne, but which one is faster and quicker when you have no time on your hand?
Well! There are ways to clear acne naturally which can save your time and help you remove your acne almost overnight. 
Caution! If you have aggressive acne, it will take some days, but if one or two or few, they will be removed in no time. 
1st Remedy
1 teaspoon turmeric
Half teaspoon water
1 small bowl

Take one teaspoon of turmeric (Haldi) in a small bowl and add water to it. It should have a thick consistency like toothpaste. Apply it only to the area where a pimple is and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash your face with tap water. For removing yellow color, use a toner with cotton. You will see the result even in one night. By using consistently your skin will thank you. 
Turmeric works as antiseptic and widely used as beauty purpose in Asian countries. It is easily available in Indian or Asian stores.

2nd Remedy
Take one aspirin


Mix one aspirin with water and apply that paste on the affected area and leave it overnight and wash your face in the morning.

Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory and has salicylic acid (the most popular ingredient to fight the acne and found in anti-acne products), which reduces the redness and clears the pores by exfoliating it.

3rd Remedy
Apply toothpaste on the affected area again, leave it overnight, and wash your face with tap water. 
Toothpaste works by drying the pimple. It should not apply as a face mask.

4th Remedy


Take one clove of garlic and apply it to the affected area, either just by rubbing or by applying the paste on it. Leave it overnight, and the next day you will see the results. 

Garlic has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. It also has anti-oxidant. Combine them all help in preventing clog pores and fight against free radicles which are responsible for damaging the skin.

5th Remedy
Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves

Take neem leaves and either make the paste by crushing the fresh leaves or take a powder. Mix water if it’s in powder form. Make a paste and apply it on the whole face. This can be put in hot water and mix in the water used for the bath to reduce acne from all over the skin. Neem powder can be made at home by drying neem leaves in shadow and can be saved for years.

Neem is anti-bacterial, antiseptic, and anti-fungal. It is widely used to cure skin allergies, eczema, rashes, boils, toenail infections, acne, and several other skin related problems. 

Again this is not the only way to get rid of pimples overnight. There are several other remedies to deal with the problem. But remember, consistency is the key to success. These are natural ways to remove pimples and may have a delayed effect in some cases. By continuously using these remedies will result in the spotless skin. 


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