Mayonnaise Hair Treatment For Dry, Damaged and Frizzy Hair

We all are fond of chemicals and styling tools for hair, which damages hair with time. All hair mask that is available in the market is also chemically processed and expensive for once pocket. We all love to have silky shiny, and healthier hair, which looks a daunting task sometimes. Today I am sharing you a hair mask that contains mayonnaise, eggs, and oils (olive and castor), and this mayonnaise hair treatment is really good for dry, damaged, and frizzy hair.

Before going to the treatment, let’s look at the benefits of this mask.


So lots of people ask what does mayonnaise do for your hair. Well, my answer is it contains oils that moisturize hair and make them strong. It also coats hair, an extra protective layer of moisture, and it is also chemical-free. Because mayonnaise also contains eggs that are high in protein it replenishes weak hair strands from breakage. 


Eggs are rich in multivitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin D. Vitamin A fought with hair fall and prevented dandruff. Vitamin B supplies oxygen to the hair by increasing the circulation of blood. Vitamin D with other fatty acids makes hair healthy, helps in hair growth and adds shine to hair. Mayonnaise and eggs both seal the cuticle and lock in the moisture.


Olive oil is rich in Vitamins A, E, and antioxidants, which together protect the keratin in hair. It prevents the damage caused by chemicals. It makes hair softer and healthy by healing the dry and flaky scalp. It contains anti-bacterial and fungal properties.

Castor oil has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and is high in Vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and Omega 6 and 9 beneficial fatty acids. Its unusually high ricinoleic acid ratio makes it beneficial to skin and hair. It prevents hair loss. Ricinoleic acid helps in circulation to the scalp and improves hair growth and balance scalp PH. The antioxidants in castor oil also support the keratin in hair and help make hair stronger, smoother, and less frizzy.

Quantity of ingredients will vary according to the length of hair and also thickening of hair. For fine and shoulder cut hair or a bit long you will need:
¼ cup mayonnaise
1 whole egg
1tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon of castor oil

Add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well till it becomes a creamy paste. Apply this paste on your hair from root to tips, especially in the ends. Wrap your hair with a shower cap and leave it for at least 30 minutes to work these ingredients on your scalp. Alternatively, you can wrap a hot towel for 20 minutes. Wash with your shampoo and conditioner as usual, and you will have nice soft, shiny hair. Do it once in a month or twice a month. Alternatively, use mix oil treatment click here and for other DIY hair, mask click here. You will start seeing the result from the first treatment. I am also giving the link to a video that I post on youtube.

I hope this mayonnaise hair treatment will make you forget the dry, damaged and frizzy hair. Remember, consistency is the key to success.


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